Wool in my soup

I am a 67 year-old grandmother living on Vancouver Island. I have crocheted, cross-stitched and rug hooked, but I always had yarn on needles. Recently knitting has become my primary hobby!

Location: Canada

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Charity Knitters!!

If you love to knit for charity, there is a huge need for knitted goodies for teens and adults. I am currently working on a pair of Fetching fingerless gloves for next year!!

Yesterday, my DH and I spent most of the day working at the Christmas hamper depot. I just cannot believe the need out there for a helping hand. There is a list of must have goodies for each hamper, such as flour, sugar, tea, coffee, cereal, pasta, rice, etc. Also some paper products and soap, shampoo and toothpaste. Then you try to put in a gift or two for the folks in the family. There were lots of goodies for the younger children, but very little for teens and adults. I am thinking that toques (I have lots of black worsted and I guess that word shows you I am a Canadian!), berets, helmet type hats, ear bands, mittens/gloves and scarves would be appreciated, so that is where my needles are taking me.

It is great to help, but sad in many ways. I worry that the children who are part of the hamper receiving may just grow up in this way of life and not know different! I worked for many years for a head start programme and I had to every once in a while sit down and have a little 'chat' with myself. I knew that many of these children would end up having children (when they were still children themselves) and the cycle would continue. I kept going, by believing that, if we could help one child break from the cycle, then we had made the difference we were hoping for! I guess the hamper programme is something like that - if we help one family or two get their feet under them, know that others do care about them and then they get a break and go on to be self sufficient, then the work will be worthwhile.

We helped fill hampers (actually huge plastic bins with lids - many donated by Canadian Tire) and a few boxes. We also bagged up carrots, onions, apples and oranges. Thursday we will go again, as the fresh milk, buns and frozen turkeys arrive and then these go into boxes and go along with the individual hampers. It was a wonderful experience and the people were so much fun and so caring!

Some of you worry about our weather. We are now past the worrying stage - HELP! We are now at the fed-up-to-the-teeth stage!! Fortunately for us, we have just been on the edge of most of the storms, but when you see the weather map and see these huge low pressure systems coming at your part of the world, it is worrying. The photos on the TV of the houses with a huge tree going through, or there roof in the next yard, they are scary. The park in the city of Vancouver, Stanley Park, has parts of it open to public traffic, but they say it will be months before it is completely cleared and all open. Also, more trees will come down, as once a few trees fall over, they damage other trees. Oregon and Washington State have also taken a beating in the last few storms. I have spoken to people who have lived here many years, and they cannot remember weather like we are having now.

I am safe, sound is questionable, but healthy and happy in my home with power and telephone. It makes a person realize how dependent we are on hydro! I will have a great time knitting this year, so if you have any more ideas for knitting projects for teens and adults, please feel free to let me know.


Blogger Lisa said...

Good job with the hampers. I used to work at a women's shelter and at the local food bank - so I can see where you are coming from. I think that the fact you want to try and help at least one person says alot.

Did you hear that Ray's radio station raised $11,000 for the Salvation Army last week. And they still have a PS3 and a jute box to raffle off.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Marianne said...

Peg, you really are such a lovely woman, human being...I've been fretting about everyone up there in the area, sending warm, loving, and healing thoughts.
I realize I don't have the time to post a package there in time now, but will keep in mind throughout this coming year and hopefully will send you a few items for next year.

5:27 PM  
Blogger Rain said...

I think it's wonderful that you're helping out in so many ways.

I didn't realise you were having such terrible weather, take care of yourself in it.

9:38 AM  
Blogger Cornflower said...

Batten down the hatches, Peg, but keep knitting - you are doing so much good!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Sandra said...

Carrying about others and helping them - really true x-mas spirit and meaning! Somehow, in my country knitting for charity is pretty unknown! But you gave me an idea to start something! I know there are peole here who would like to join me!

You ae doing great job! God bless you!

7:41 AM  

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