Believe it or not, this is the same sweater. You can see that my camera, or perhaps the operator, does not always come up with the best colour. The one on the right is more the true colour, but not even it is perfect!
In the closeup, you can see the details of the three' angled bits. These are accomplished by doing 6 stitch cables. You put the first 3 st to the back and then knit. First one is the 6 stitches in the middle, then 4 rows later it covers a combination of 12 stitches, but the exact same cable. The next time, you do the 6 stitch cable completely across the 18 stitches between the baby cables. I like the effect, but on the sweater it is the same on both sides. What I am wondering is if on the right side I change and bring the first 3 sts to the front if I can get the angles going the opposite way. I will try it for a row or two and let you know. I would think that Elsebeth Lavold would have done this if it works, but perhaps not. I can always frog back a few rows and at least satisfy myself that I tried. I am really liking this pattern and I want to finish it soon, as I am hoping there will be enough yarn to knit a simple shell to go under the cardi! There is a shell in the same EL book and it has interrupted ribbing down the front, but it could easily be changed to the baby cables! Now, if I knit faster, will it make the yarn go further?
I have been thinking about answering people who visit the blog and comment. If I can find an email address, then I will certainly email the person. If no email is available, then I will thank them and answer questions on the comment section of my own blog! What do people like Yarn Harlot do? I am sure that with the number of comments she gets that no one expects a comment back.
Last post, I was asked what pattern book this sweater was from, and it is in (actually it is on the cover and that is what sold me on the book; also it was marked down at my LYS) Elsebeth Lavold Designer's Choice - Book Four - The sophisticated Lady Collection. There are a few more patterns that I would like to try in this book, so I am happy that it is in my knitting library.
Hettie thanks you for all your kind comments. She is about 9" tall and I won't insult her by telling you her waist measurement. She sits on the top of my knitting cupboard, and I hope to have another knit before Hettie heads off to Edmonton, Alberta. I have seen a few on blogs that were knit in 'funky' colours. Lime Green bodies with pink variegated 'spines', etc.. They are cute and I can see a teen loving one to sit on their desk!! Now is probably a good time to get some of the eyelash yarn on sale. It is not exactly scarf weather!
Forgive the tardiness, but I had to compliment Hettie on her appearance!
Peg, I love your sweater, whatever the color. The cables are ingenious. I love most of Elsbeth Lavold's patterns, and I backordered some yarn and the book for one of her pullovers that I've lusted after for years. You, however, are more prolific than I am on making things for yourself!!
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